January 9, 2019

What should I do if I want to change my smartphone / Tel. No.?

2019-01-09T10:55:55+08:00January 9th, 2019|

For employee who changes a new smartphone and keep the original telephone no., they just need to download the Clockgogo App, then login and punch card as usual. For employee who also needs to change telephone no., please use one of the following methods: (a) Login in your original [...]

I have outdoor work occasionally. Can I still use Clockgogo to punch card?

2019-01-09T10:54:17+08:00January 9th, 2019|

Sure! Employee can punch card in any ad hoc working locations. Although such record is not registered under Clockgogo Work Spot (CWS), employer can still selectively (with the help of GPS, sim card and photo captured upon punch card) accept such record as an official punch card records.

Will Clockgogo mobile app extract any personal information from our mobile phone?

2019-01-09T10:52:48+08:00January 9th, 2019|

Clockgogo mobile app uses the mobile phone number to recognize an employee. For employer which requires face recognition upon punching card, camera will also be assessed upon punching card. Apart from this, no other information will be collected and stored in Clockgogo Cloud. Most importantly, Clockgogo mobile app will [...]

Will my employer have my faceprint (biometrics)?

2019-01-09T10:48:42+08:00January 9th, 2019|

No. Your employer will not have your faceprint. Your employee will only have your photo upon face registration. What’s more, unless you choose to store your faceprint in Clockgogo Cloud (which will enable you to punch card in any mobile after login), your faceprint will only be stored in [...]

I have a large number of temporary employees who need to start working immediately but I have no time to input their information into employee profile yet. Can these employees punch card first and then I input their information back into employee profile later?

2019-01-09T10:37:42+08:00January 9th, 2019|

Sure. Your temporary employees can start punching card once they add your company as ‘employer’ through the [add employer] function in the employee mobile app. After you input the correct temporary employee back into the employee profile, their time card data will be synchronized into your time sheet accordingly.

Though punch card process is protected by face recognition, what if my staff cheats the mobile app by changing the registration to somebody else’s face?

2019-01-09T10:33:24+08:00January 9th, 2019|

Whenever employee changes his/her ‘face’ in the registration file, the corresponding photo registered (not biometric parameters) will be stored into the employee profile’s face history for employer to trace. Also, Clockgogo will pro-actively send employer an alert through email when there is any employee changing ‘face’. So anyone try [...]

What shall I do if my company expands amid a subscription contract period?

2019-01-08T17:58:30+08:00January 8th, 2019|

Sign in, go to the order page and choose ‘add headcount’. There are two ways for an employer to add headcount: To add headcount with the existing subscription contract end date remains intact. To add headcount with the existing subscription contract replaced by a new subscription contract which will [...]

What shall I do when I receive a Clockgogo WORK SPOT?

2019-01-08T17:57:50+08:00January 8th, 2019|

You can make your Clockgogo WORK SPOT (CWS) work by the following steps: a. Bring the Clockgogo WORK SPOT (CWS) to where it shall be placed b. Open Clockgogo Boss App and choose "WORK SPOT REGISTRATION" c. There shall be a list of WORK SPOT purchased by your company [...]

What if the delivery of WORK SPOT cannot catch up my Clockgogo Cloud contract start time? Will I have compensation for Clockgogo Cloud subscription fee?

2019-01-08T17:54:56+08:00January 8th, 2019|

Delay of delivery may be due to many factors which are out of Clockgogo’s control, e.g. fault of courier, inefficiency of custom etc. It will always be better to purchase Clockgogo WORK SPOT (CWS) before you start a Clockgogo Cloud subscription. Since Clockgogo Cloud can function without Clockgogo WORK [...]

客戶在工作單服務結束時,是在上門服務員工的手機上進行打分和評價嗎? 那如何保證這些資訊不會被員工修改?能否在客戶打分和評價後立即隱藏這部分資訊呢?

2019-01-09T15:26:27+08:00January 7th, 2019|



2019-01-09T15:25:41+08:00January 7th, 2019|

可以在Clockgogo Cloud的【工作管理】中,打開工作單並更改時間和地址。但是,依據【工作設定】-【工作凍結設定】的設定選項,符合凍結條件的工作單的以上欄位會變為唯讀狀態。如果在【工作設定】-【工作凍結設定】取消凍結,則工作單中被凍結的唯讀欄位會變回可編輯欄位。


2019-01-09T15:24:50+08:00January 7th, 2019|

通過以下幾種方式可以確認員工是否到達指定客戶/工作場所: a. (可選)可在客戶/指定工作場所放置CWS(定位器),這樣員工只能在CWS(定位器)10米範圍內打卡簽到; b. 可以在【工作設定】中啟用,在員工到達及離開客戶/指定工作場所打卡簽到時,系統記錄當時的GPS定位,從而控制在設定的GPS誤差範圍打卡;同時你可以在Clockgogo Cloud的【綜合智能報表】查看“工作報告”,該報告可顯示當時的GPS定位及地址; c. 在【工作管理】中,每份工作單都可以啟用 選項,這樣員工就一定要進行面部識別才能成功打卡了。


2019-01-09T15:24:11+08:00January 7th, 2019|



2019-01-09T15:23:33+08:00January 7th, 2019|

在因為擁有“工作主管”權限後,你還需對其選項進行設定。這會影響到你在添加工單時,能選到哪些部門的員工為“工作負責人”。 請通知系統管理員,用系統管理員賬號登入系統,打開[用戶設定]。依據你的需求,修改你 “工作主管”的 為“全部”/“部分”。設置之後,請你重新登入Clockgogo Cloud,此權限就開始生效了。

當有工作 (Job) 延誤未完成時,員工會收到通知嗎?

2019-01-09T15:20:47+08:00January 7th, 2019|

員工可收到相關通知,設定方法如下: a. 有"工作主管"權限的員工登入Clockgogo Cloud b. 點擊【工作管理】 c. 選擇要發送提醒/通知的相關工作單,或者在添加工作單時,啟用“延誤提醒”,設定好對應延誤xx分鐘提醒,儲存即可。當員工在工作預定開始時間xx分鐘後仍未打卡,就會收到對應工作的電郵提醒;同時員工在打開Clockgogo Staff時或在背景運行中也會通過App發出通知。 注:提醒電郵會直接發至員工資料中登記的公司電郵。

與客戶確認好上門服務的內容和時間,將工作單 (Job) 派給員工後,系統能否自動發送<上門服務預約確認通知>給客戶嗎?

2019-01-09T15:19:56+08:00January 7th, 2019|

當然可以。具體操作步驟如下: a. 有"工作主管"權限的員工登入Clockgogo Cloud b. 點擊【工作管理】 c. 選擇要發送提醒/通知的相關工作單,或者在添加工作單時,啟用“工作前郵件提醒”,設定好對應提早xx小時(或xx日)提醒,儲存即可。客戶在工作開始前xx小時 (或xx日) 就會收到對應工作的電郵提醒了。 注: - 提醒電郵會發至工作單上填寫的“客戶電郵”中。 - 發送至客戶的郵件範本和內容,請在【工作設定】→ 郵件範本→ 提醒郵件範本中根據需要自行設定即可。

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