Why is Clockgogo Considered a Revolutionary HR Tool?
[:en]In the heart of Hong Kong, a city known for its vibrant culture and rich history, stands The House of Hong Kong Literature. Here in Hong Kong, in a place dedicated to preserving the written word and fostering a love for storytelling, there's also a lesser-told story of seamless operational transformation. The keystone of this transformation is Clockgogo, an HR tool that's revolutionizing how time attendance is managed within the literary preserve.[:zh]在充滿活力的文化和豐富歷史的香港中心地帶,有一個致力於保存書面文字和培養故事愛好的地方——香港文學館。在香港,不僅僅是保存文字的地方,還有一個關於無縫操作轉型的少為人知的故事。這種轉型的關鍵是Clockgogo,這是一種HR工具,正在革新文學館內部時間考勤管理的方式。[:]