January 9, 2019


2019-01-09T15:31:50+08:00January 9th, 2019|

當然可以。員工本人、假期主管及排班主管均可銷假,具體取決於[假期設定]内的批核設定。假如在Clockgogo Staff App 及Clockgogo Cloud看不到銷假選項,請通知系統管理員打開[假期設定],檢查一下對應的假期設定是否正確。以下是銷假的具體操作: 員工本人: a. 個案一: 已提交請假申請,批核狀態為“進行中”,這時員工可進入Clockgogo Staff App → 我的請假 → 點擊[查詢],選擇需要取消的請假,再點擊右下角的銷假按鈕,確定並完成。 b. 個案二: 假如請假狀態為“已批核”,只有當該假期類型的批核設定為=時,員工才可以在Clockgogo Staff App銷假。沒有銷假權限的員工不能取消已批核的假期,這時銷假按鈕會被隱藏。 注:選項只是控制“已批核”的假期是否允許員工在Clockgogo Staff App進行銷假;但對於“進行中”的請假是不控制的,以便員工在發現錯誤輸入請假資訊而請假尚未批核時可以自行進行銷假。 假期主管/排班主管:可取消已通過批核的請假,銷假途徑有以下兩種: a. 登入Clockgogo Cloud, 在【假期管理】内點擊相關紀錄的[請假操作]按鈕,選擇銷假。 b. 已關聯員工ID的假期主管/排班主管還可透過Clockgogo Staff App →我的請假 →其他員工 →查詢並打開相關請假紀錄,點擊銷假按鈕。 注:假如批核狀態為“進行中”,主管是不能幫員工銷假的,必須由員工本人在Clockgogo Staff App進行銷假或主管可直接選擇批核。


2019-01-09T15:29:47+08:00January 9th, 2019|

首先,Clockgogo Cloud系統管理員可以按以下步驟完成假期設定: a. 在【假期設定】添加假期類型,如:年假、病假、事假、產假等。 b. 在上述資料的新增過程中,您可以對每個假期類型進行批核設定。設定的內容包括:哪個角色可以批核、哪個角色可以銷假。 注:如果某假期類型設定為假期及排班主管都需要批核,則該請假需要以上兩個角色都批核後才算批核完成。 c. 在【用戶設定】向需要進行假期審批的用戶授予[假期主管]、[排班主管]權限。添加權限時,請根據該主管所管轄的員工範圍選擇可訪問部門。為了方便用戶在Clockgogo Staff APP中也能進行假期審批,請在這裡將用戶與員工ID進行關聯。 完成假期設定後,假期主管或排班主管可透過以下兩種方式查詢員工的請假紀錄和進行審批: a. 登入Clockgogo Cloud,在【假期管理】按條件查詢相關請假紀錄,然後點擊[請假操作]進行審批;或 b. 進入Clockgogo Staff APP → 我的請假 → 其他員工,點擊打開具體的申請記錄,就可以在APP上進行審批。

Should clients leave their comments and rating in our staff’s mobile App upon task completion? How to ensure such information will not be modified by staff themselves? Can such information be hidden in the App once clients input their rating and comments?

2020-07-28T09:58:45+08:00January 9th, 2019|

Sure! Once your staff input the end time in the App, they should press [Client Signature] and pass their mobile to the client to sign and comment. Then [Client Signature] button will be disabled and information inputted by clients will be frozen accordingly.

How to ensure the staff really punch card in the designated site?

2020-07-28T09:52:43+08:00January 9th, 2019|

Clockgogo can fulfill your requirement by: a. (Optional) Register a Clockgogo Work Spot (CWS) in client’s site / other designated site to control your staff to punch card within 10m from the CWS. b. Enable [GPS Checking]  in [Job Setting] to ensure staff punch card within a certain GPS [...]

Why did I fail to choose the employee that I wanted in job order?

2019-01-09T11:13:35+08:00January 9th, 2019|

It is because that the Job Manager did not have the access right to the departments concerned. You need to set the “Department Access (Job Manager)”, which will influence the available employee can be chosen in job order creation. Please inform your system Administrator to update the “Department Access [...]

Who are entitled to create and assign jobs? How can I assign the jobs to my staff?

2020-07-27T17:56:20+08:00January 9th, 2019|

“Job Manager” can create and assign jobs. Firstly, system administrator needs to grant the access right to corresponding staff by: a. Login Clockgogo Cloud with the user ID of system administrator b. Go to [User Setting], set the entitled staff as “Job Manager” Remarks: Community (free) user of Clockgogo [...]

Why does the location (GPS) in the map deviate a lot from where I am?

2019-01-09T11:04:44+08:00January 9th, 2019|

This is because you have switched off your Wifi. Please note that switching on the GPS and Wifi (even you cannot access any Wifi nearby) can help precise GPS detection. In contrast, whether the Internet connection is available is relatively irrelevant to GPS accuracy.

How to punch card if I take a half-day leave?

2019-01-09T11:02:11+08:00January 9th, 2019|

It depends on how your employer uses Clockgogo Cloud. For example, suppose you are required to punch card at 0900, 1200, 1300 and 1700 per working day. Now you would like to apply a half-day leave in the morning. Case 1: You can keep on punch card as 1300 [...]

Will Clockgogo Staff consume a lot of data traffic?

2019-01-09T11:01:39+08:00January 9th, 2019|

Suppose you punch card four times a day and work twenty-two days a month, data traffic per month is only about 2MB per month in normal network environment, which costs less than USD0.2 in most countries worldwide.

Can I use iPad / Android tablets to punch card?

2019-01-09T10:57:50+08:00January 9th, 2019|

For Clockgogo Cloud Enterprise User, employees can punch card on a shared Tablet / iPad with the newly released Clockgogo Share (iPad/Tablet App). In this way, employees without a smartphone can also punch card easily! Remarks: Clockgogo Share is not applicable to Clockgogo Cloud Community User.

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