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December 6, 2023


2023-12-05T13:01:55+08:00December 6th, 2023|

[:en]Earthquakes, just like the recent one in the Philippines, are unexpected events that leave a path of destruction and chaos in their wake. No one can predict when an earthquake might strike, and the lack of preparation makes the aftermath even more devastating. In many ways, this mirrors the business world - unexpected events can throw well-laid plans into disarray, and lacking a systematic approach to managing resources can leave businesses vulnerable and exposed to risks.[:zh]地震,就像最近在菲律賓發生的那場一樣,是一種意想不到的事件,它在災後留下一片破壞和混亂。沒有人能預測何時會發生地震,缺乏準備使得災後更加淒慘。在許多方面,這反映了商業世界的現實-意外事件可能會使精心安排的計劃陷入混亂,而缺乏系統化的資源管理方式會使企業陷入脆弱和風險。[:]


2023-12-04T09:51:32+08:00December 5th, 2023|

[:en]Across the globe, fashion has proven to be a dynamic and highly competitive industry. Thriving within the landscape are luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton who've mastered the art of offering not just products but exceptional experiences. The success of luxury brands is often deeply entwined with their ability to manage operations with sophistication, allowing them to maintain consistent quality and provide superior customer experiences.[:zh]在全球範圍內,時尚已證明是一個充滿活力且競爭激烈的行業。在這個行業內繁榮發展的豪華品牌如Louis Vuitton (LV) 已掌握了提供不僅僅是產品,還有卓越體驗的藝術。豪華品牌的成功往往與他們有能力以深思熟慮的方式管理運營密切相關,使他們能夠保持品質一致並提供卓越的客戶體驗。[:]


2023-12-04T14:42:30+08:00December 4th, 2023|

[:en]In recent years, the healthcare industry has noticed a significant surge in the incidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. This bacterium, primarily affecting those with a weakened immune system, leads to added cases of pneumonia and subsequent hospital visits. Therefore, hospitals worldwide are encountering a palpable increase in patient footfall and, subsequently, a spiraling workload for healthcare professionals.[:zh]近年來,醫療業注意到肺炎支原體感染的發生率顯著增加。這種細菌主要影響免疫系統較弱的人,導致肺炎病例增加和入院人數增加。因此,全球的醫院明顯感覺到病人的人數增加,因此導致醫療專業人員的工作負擔相應增加。[:]


2023-11-29T18:03:25+08:00December 1st, 2023|

[:en]In the vivid cityscape of Hong Kong, a recent event has sent ripples across the business community. Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB), known for its captivating shows and massive audience, announced a significant layoff, shaking its workforce to the core. Job loss is often a bitter pill for businesses to swallow, reflective of enduring hard times or drastic strategic shifts.[:zh]在香港鮮明的城市景像中,最近一件事件在商業社區掀起了波瀾。以其吸引人的節目和龐大的觀眾群為眾所周知的電視廣播有限公司(TVB)宣布了一次重大的裁員,這震撼了其勞動力的核心。失業通常是企業難以吞下的苦藥,反映出長期的困難時期或劇變的策略轉變。[:]

November 30, 2023


2023-11-29T15:15:47+08:00November 30th, 2023|

[:en]The catering business, such as Satay King 沙嗲王, is a vibrant industry synonymous with masterful culinary creations, deft services, and unforgettable experiences. This industry, with its vibrant energy and fast-paced environment, is marked by numerous moving parts ranging from kitchen personnel and event managers to servers, bartenders, and even cleaners. Catering is much more than just serving delicious food; it involves intricate planning, absolute precision, and efficient management at every stage.[:zh]餐飲業如沙嗲王是一個充滿活力的行業,以精湛的烹飪創作、熟練的服務和難忘的體驗而聞名。這個行業具有旺盛的活力和快節奏的環境,涉及廚師、活動經理、服務員、調酒師,甚至清潔人員等眾多環節。餐飲不僅僅是提供美味的食物,還涉及精密的規劃、絕對的精準和每個階段的高效管理。[:]


2023-11-28T09:41:40+08:00November 29th, 2023|

[:en]In the hustle and bustle of creating compelling television shows, production management is an aspect that is often rigorous and meticulous. The complexities of managing TV shows such as Midlife, Sing & Shine 2 中年好聲音2, include tight schedules, ensuring teams' punctuality,[:zh]在創作引人入勝的電視節目的繁忙過程中,節目管理一直是一個嚴謹而細緻的環節。管理電視節目如《中年好聲音2》的複雜性包括緊湊的日程安排,確保團隊的準時到場,以及為薪資核算保存準確的工時記錄。傳統上,所有這些工作都是人工完成的,既耗時又容易出錯。然而,考勤系統的出現改變了整個過程,使電視節目管理變得更有效率。[:]


2023-11-28T09:36:53+08:00November 28th, 2023|

[:en]Among technological marvels, Time Attendance Systems stand out as they simplify the onerous task of effective workforce management and redefine the way workplaces operate. In this space, we delve deeper into its significance, functioning, and why it stands out in the tech world.[:zh]隨著我們為一年中最大的購物日之一-網絡星期一做好準備,這是企業反思營運效率和專注度的絕佳時機。在眾多的科技奇蹟中,考勤系統獨樹一格,簡化了有效職工管理的繁重任務,重塑了工作場所的運作方式。在這裡,我們深入探討其重要性、運作以及為何在科技界中脫穎而出。[:]


2023-11-23T15:20:32+08:00November 27th, 2023|

[:en]Before diving into the heart of the topic, let us pause for a moment of gratitude. We’re thankful for the wonders of technology that have not only revolutionized various spheres of our lives but also eased the way we conduct business. In expressing gratitude, we pay particular homage to one technological gadget that has vastly transformed business operations: Time Attendance System. In this article, we unbox the importance of this tool, how it operates, and why it stands tall among its tech comrades.[:zh]在深入主題的核心之前,讓我們暫停片刻來表達感謝之情。我們感謝科技的奇蹟,它不僅讓我們生活的各個領域都產生了革命性的變化,也使我們的商業行為變得更加輕鬆。在此,我們特別致敬一項已經深度改變商業運作的技術設施:考勤系統。在這篇文章中,我們將解開這個工具的重要性,它的運作方式,以及它為何在眾多科技同行中獨佔鰲頭。[:]


2023-11-22T16:10:02+08:00November 24th, 2023|

[:en]Football is certainly more than just a game. The management behind it ensures smooth operations, much like what happens in other aspects of life and business. Besides athletes and coaches, there are numerous individuals diligently working behind the scenes.[:zh]足球絕對不僅僅是一個遊戲。在其背後的管理確保操作順暢,就像在生活和商業的其他方面一樣。除了運動員和教練之外,還有很多人在幕後默默付出。從體育館工作人員、保全人員、維修人員到媒體團隊,在比賽當天確保操作順暢並非小事。這些任務由於足球賽程的不確定性而變得更具挑戰性,因為比賽和訓練有可能在任何時候發生。[:]


2023-11-22T12:36:10+08:00November 23rd, 2023|

[:en]Although they are ubiquitous and, as their names suggest, extraordinarily convenient, convenience stores are high-intensity operations. The convenience-retailing industry is defined by small-sized retail businesses that are typically open 24/7. These include stores such as 7-Eleven, Circle K, and other such businesses that sell everyday items at a higher price for immediate convenience.[:zh]雖然便利商店在我們生活中無處不在,如其名所示,極其方便,但這些店鋪的運營強度卻很高。便利零售業是由一些經常24/7營業的小型零售業務所組成,這包括7-11, Circle K等等!通常他們會以較高的價格出售日常物品以滿足客戶即時的需求。[:]


2023-11-20T16:14:30+08:00November 22nd, 2023|

[:en]This sentiment stands true not just in the realm of music but extends to various areas of life. Just like Kwong’s innovative music creation, an old concept that has been continuously updated and refreshed with embracing technology is Time Attendance Systems. They've been around for quite some time, yet they are far from being obsolete - a testament that being seasoned doesn’t necessarily mean being out-of-date.[:zh]當你想到音樂界的潮流引領者,你可能不會立即想到一位79歲的老者。然而,尹光就確實證明了這一點。最近,他驚奇地打破了傳統與數字的界限,與AI生成的聲音「WanK.」共同創作出創新的旋律。儘管尹光的音樂典範深深植根於幾十年的傳統,但他對音樂的態度卻響應了一種原則-舊的並不意味著過時。[:]


2023-11-20T11:13:34+08:00November 21st, 2023|

[:en]Scheduled to take the stage in January 2024, the much-anticipated concert "Twins Spirit Since 2001 Live in Hong Kong" is already in the throes of meticulous planning and preparation. Organizing such large-scale music events involves a myriad of complex processes, from artist coordination to ticket sales, marketing, logistics, and, importantly, managing the human resources needed to make the event a roaring success.[:zh]預計在2024年1月登台的Twins演唱會《Twins Spirit Since 2001 Live in Hong Kong》已經在進行細緻的規劃與準備之中。組織如此大規模的音樂活動涉及許多複雜的過程,從演藝明星的協調到票務、營銷、物流,重要的是,管理需要使活動取得巨大成功的人力資源。[:]


2023-11-20T10:50:07+08:00November 20th, 2023|

[:en]This is especially true for sportswear retailing and manufacturing businesses like FILA, where the demands of overseeing a vast number of employees across both in-store and production sites can be incredibly challenging.[:zh]在今天快節奏、競爭激烈的商業世界中,有效的人力資源管理對於公司實現和維持競爭優勢無疑是至關重要的。這尤其適用於FILA等運動服裝零售和製造業務,在超越商店和生產現場的大量員工需求可以非常具有挑戰性。要確保營運暢順,對於此類行業,使用考勤系統是必不可少的。[:]


2023-11-15T16:33:45+08:00November 17th, 2023|

[:en]In a world burgeoning with novel ideas, cutting-edge technology, and dynamic markets, competitiveness in business has understandably skyrocketed. While the driving forces behind this surge in competitiveness differ across various contexts, the introduction and actions of bodies such as the Competition Commission in Hong Kong reveal the global attitude towards fostering healthy competition.[:zh]在一個充滿新奇想法、尖端技術和動態市場的世界中,商業競爭性可謂日益增長。儘管推動競爭激增的驅動力在各種不同的情境中有所不同,但香港競爭委員會等機構的興起和行動透露出全球對於培育健康競爭的態度。[:]


2023-11-15T11:12:11+08:00November 16th, 2023|

[:en]A guide dog, as its name conveys, is a specially trained dog that assists visually impaired individuals to navigate through their environments with confidence and autonomy. It provides crucial guidance to ensure safety, effective routing, and creates an overall sense of trust between the individual and their surrounding.[:zh]導盲犬,就像其名稱所傳達的,是一種受過專門訓練的犬,協助視力受損的個人自信和自主地在他們的環境中導航。它提供了關鍵的指導,以確保安全、有效的路線,並在個人和他們的周圍環境之間建立了整體的信任感。[:]


2023-11-14T09:44:47+08:00November 15th, 2023|

[:en]Competition in business is no different. The concept of competition in the business world is what drives companies to develop new solutions, offer a better product or service, and ultimately, to stand out in the market. One such innovation designed to boost business competitiveness is the Time Attendance System.[:zh]在科技飛速發展的時代,遠高於其他趨勢的經濟趨勢就是數位轉型。對於企業來說,它不再是奢侈品,而是繼續保持市場相關性和競爭力的絕對必要條件。從香港康樂及文化事務署(LCSD)推出SmartPLAY數字服務平台,到大型跨國公司部署精密的考勤系統,數碼轉型在各行業中都成了核心。[:]


2023-11-13T15:21:58+08:00November 14th, 2023|

[:en]In today's rapidly evolving healthcare industry, hospitals are under immense pressure to increase efficiency and streamline their operational processes. One critical aspect that contributes to the smooth functioning of a hospital is the effective management of roster schedules for diverse roles, including doctors, nurses, administrative staff, and support personnel. Time Attendance Systems (TAS) play a crucial role in facilitating rollover management of diverse roles while promoting accountability amongst staff members.[:zh]在科技飛速發展的時代,遠高於其他趨勢的經濟趨勢就是數位轉型。對於企業來說,它不再是奢侈品,而是繼續保持市場相關性和競爭力的絕對必要條件。從香港康樂及文化事務署(LCSD)推出SmartPLAY數字服務平台,到大型跨國公司部署精密的考勤系統,數碼轉型在各行業中都成了核心。[:]


2023-11-13T15:22:57+08:00November 13th, 2023|

[:en]In today's rapidly evolving healthcare industry, hospitals are under immense pressure to increase efficiency and streamline their operational processes. One critical aspect that contributes to the smooth functioning of a hospital is the effective management of roster schedules for diverse roles, including doctors, nurses, administrative staff, and support personnel. Time Attendance Systems (TAS) play a crucial role in facilitating rollover management of diverse roles while promoting accountability amongst staff members.[:zh]在今日迅速變化的醫療保健行業中,醫院面臨著巨大的壓力以提高效率並簡化他們的營運流程。一個對醫院暢通運營起到關鍵作用的方面是對各種角色的有效排班管理,包括醫生、護士、行政人員和支援人員。考勤系統在促進多元角色的排班管理的同時扮演著關鍵的角色,並促使員工之間的問責制。[:]


2023-11-08T17:02:41+08:00November 10th, 2023|

[:en]Time Attendance Systems (TAS) play a crucial role in promoting both effectiveness and accountability among employees while adapting to ever-changing work schedules. As we approach the solar term Lidong (立冬), which signifies the beginning of winter in the traditional Chinese calendar, organizations can draw inspiration from its essence and understanding while integrating time attendance systems into their daily workflow.[:zh]在當今的現代世界中,各大小組織始終致力於提高生產力並簡化日常運營。對公司營運成功來說至關重要的一個面向是高效且認真的管理其人力資源。考勤系統在促進員工效能和問責制的同時,扮演著關鍵的角色,並適應不斷變化的工作時間表。隨著我們臨近立冬這個節氣...[:]


2023-11-08T16:40:50+08:00November 9th, 2023|

[:en]FinTech Week is a showcase for the latest and greatest in financial technology. It’s a playground where you can experience all things FinTech. The event has grown over the years and now hosts thousands of attendees[:zh]FinTech Week是金融科技最新最偉大的展示。這是一個你可以體驗所有FinTech事物的遊樂場。該活動多年來已經成長,現在吸引了數千名參與者。一天接著一天,各種吸引人的活動都使參與者-投資者,創業者,技術愛好者,媒體等-感到著迷。[:]


2023-11-08T16:42:22+08:00November 8th, 2023|

[:en]Imagine the magic at Crazy Horse Paris. Night after night, the mesmerizing performances leave audiences spellbound – but behind the seamless execution, there is a bustling operation. A whirlwind of choreographers, performers, technical crew, and backstage staff work in harmony to produce the spectacle.[:zh]想像一下在巴黎的「瘋馬秀」的魔力。夜以繼日,令人眼花繚亂的表演讓觀眾為之著迷-但是在無縫的執行背後,卻有一項繁忙的運作。舞者、表演者、技術人員和後台工作人員在和諧中工作,以生產觀看的景象。所有的活動管理操作,無論是在瘋馬秀還是在其他地方,都面臨著深刻的人力資源挑戰-處理著不同時間表的動態勞動力。這裡就是該考勤系統出現並成為一個令人難以置信的解決方案。[:]


2023-11-08T16:43:09+08:00November 7th, 2023|

[:en]In an era defined by rapid technological advances, it’s crucial for technology companies, such as Apple Inc., to stay ahead of the curve. This goes beyond product development and services - it extends to internal operational efficiency, and specifically, roster management. Companies across all sectors grapple with the complexities of roster management, but for technology companies, the challenge is unique. Given the project-based, often non-traditional working structure in the tech industry, managing rosters can be a daunting task. This is where Time Attendance Systems come into play.[:zh]在當今這個由快速科技進步所定義的時代,對於科技公司好像Apple Inc.來說,保持優勢變得至關重要。這超越了產品開發和服務-它還延伸到內部運營效率,特別是班表管理。 所有行業的公司都在努力應對班表管理的複雜性,但是對於科技公司來說,這種挑戰是獨特的。鑑於科技業經常需要基於項目的,非傳統的工作結構,管理班表可能是一項艱鉅的任務。這就是考勤系統派上用場的地方。[:]


2023-11-08T16:47:06+08:00November 6th, 2023|

[:en]Stepping into a Food Carnival is like embarking on a gastronomic adventure. It's an enchanting world where a smorgasbord of food from different cuisines comes together. But behind the enticing aromas and vibrant stalls, there lie numerous operational challenges. One such challenge[:zh]踏入美食嘉年華就像開始一場美食冒險。這是一個奇妙的世界,各種各樣的美食匯集在一起。但在誘人的香氣和充滿活力的攤位背後,有許多的營運挑戰。其中一個挑戰是有效管理眾多員工和志工的時間和出席狀況。讓我們來看看考勤系統,這是一種在美食嘉年華管[:]


2023-11-08T16:48:10+08:00November 3rd, 2023|

[:en]Whether it's a burgeoning start-up in Hong Kong, a well-established conglomerate in Singapore, a trendy tech company in Taipei, a traditional family business in Turkey, a unique tourism enterprise in Okinawa, or a textile mill in Pakistan, one thing they all need how to effectively[:zh]無論是香港的新興初創企業,新加坡的老牌企業,台北的時尚科技公司,土耳其的傳統家族企業,沖繩的獨特旅遊公司,還是巴基斯坦的紡織廠,他們都需要如何有效地管理員工排班。排班管理是全球企業不管大小、所處產業都需要面對的任務。這個問題比大家想像的更為複雜。[:]


2023-11-08T16:48:52+08:00November 2nd, 2023|

[:en]Modern business operations have seen an increased shift towards more efficient practices, and the use of time and attendance systems is one innovation that has brought about transformative change in corporations worldwide. One industry where these systems have made a significant impact is the airline industry.[:zh]現代商業運營已看到趨勢轉向更有效的實踐,考勤系統的使用就是一種已經在全球企業帶來變革的創新。其中,這些系統在航空業帶來了重大影響。 什麼是考勤系統? 就像飛行員導航飛行一樣,時間和出勤系統引導組織內員工工作時間的管理和追蹤。這個工具協調如上下班打卡、缺席、休息時間和加班等方面,以自動化、數字化和簡化的解決方案取代傳統的人工追蹤方法。[:]


2023-11-08T16:50:26+08:00November 1st, 2023|

[:en]The birth of a newborn child often instills hope, inspiration, and a bright new emphasis on time and management. It's an embarking journey that requires careful scheduling and management to ensure the child's healthy growth and development. A seemingly unrelated but comparably crucial tool that promises similar systematic development and growth for businesses is the Time Attendance System. Just as a newborn child transforms a family's way of operating, so too can a Time Attendance System revolutionize a business's efficiency.[:zh]新生嬰兒的誕生往往帶來希望,鼓舞和對時間和管理的明亮新強調。這是一次需要謹慎調度和管理以確保孩子健康成長和發展的踏上的旅程。似乎無關但同樣重要的工具,對於企業的系統發展和成長,便是考勤系統。就像新生嬰兒改變了家庭的運作方式,考勤系統也可以革新一個企業的效率。[:]

October 31, 2023


2023-11-08T16:51:41+08:00October 31st, 2023|

[:en]Just as it is vital for K-Pop superstars to manage their time effectively, it is equally essential for businesses seeking global recognition to invest in a robust time attendance system. And what better way to ensure this than harnessing the power of a modern time attendance app?[:zh]想像K-Pop的名人,如Jisoo和Lisa等多才多藝藝人的全球影響力。他們透過出色的才能、紀律和獨特的吸引力,成功地建立了全球的知名度。他們的名聲並不是偶然的;這是無數次訓練和健全、有系統的方法的結果。音樂和舞蹈是他們身分的關鍵,而他們成功故事中常常被忽視的關鍵元素是時間管理。[:]


2023-10-26T09:32:58+08:00October 30th, 2023|

[:en]One of these terms is Shuangjiang, which is a climatic term that signifies the descent into winter. During Shuangjiang, it's crucial for businesses to keep pace with seasonal changes using an efficient tool like a time attendance system.[:zh]在許多西方文化中,一年被劃分為春、夏、秋、冬四季。然而在中國等東方的傳統裡,依節氣系統,一年被更細緻地劃分為二十四個節氣。其中一個節氣就是「霜降」,此為一種氣候術語,代表冬季的降臨。在雙降期間,對於企業來說,使用如出勤系統等有效的工具來跟上季節的變化是至關重要的。讓我們深入探究霜降的概念,並揭示出勤系統在企業管理季節轉變中的重要性。[:]


2023-10-26T09:33:10+08:00October 27th, 2023|

[:en]Time management. As Spider-Man demonstrates, effective time management is critical not only for superheroes but also for all of us. Let's examine this concept more deeply, including the important role that a Time Attendance System can play in efficient time management for businesses.[:zh]那就是時間管理。如蜘蛛俠所示,有效的時間管理對於超級英雄或是我們每個人來說都至關重要。讓我們更深入研究這個概念,包括考勤系統在企業高效時間管理中所能發揮的重要作用。[:]


2023-10-20T15:58:24+08:00October 26th, 2023|

[:en]A time attendance system is a tool used by organizations of all sizes to record working hours of employees for the purpose of payroll. From clocking in and out to tracking lunch and break times, this system makes it easier to monitor and calculate work hours accurately.[:zh]考勤系統是各種規模的組織用來記錄員工工作時間以用於薪資結算的工具。從打卡上下班到追蹤午餐和休息時間,此系統讓監控和精確計算工作時間變得更容易。 在資訊過載和業務迅速擴張的世界中,管理員工的工時表可能是一項耗力的任務。這正是考勤系統的重要與便利性。通過自動化此過程,公司可以減少錯誤的機會,確保符合勞動法規,並釋放出有價值的時間以進行更有成效的任務。[:]

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