[:en]Behind every successful athlete is a relentless dedication to training, a journey marked not just by talent, but by sweat, perseverance, and an unwavering adherence to a strict schedule. Much like how a time and attendance system meticulously records the hours employees clock in and clock out, athletes maintain rigorous timetables, tracking training sessions, recovery periods, and competitions.[:zh]每位成功運動員的背後都是對訓練的不懈奉獻,這段旅程不僅以天賦為標誌,還以汗水、毅力和堅定不移地遵守嚴格的時間表為標誌。就像打卡考勤系統如何細緻地記錄員工打卡上下班的小時數,運動員們保持嚴謹的時間表,跟蹤訓練課程、恢復時期和比賽。[:]